Dear Steamer:
I think I am losing my faith in the NHL. It is fading quicker than Sammy Sosa'a skin. Speaking of that steroid-laden ESL legend, will the NHL continue progressing towards that same crappy level as baseball. Please tell me it isn't so!
- Michael George, Essex UK
Steamer will let two of its most faith-instilling members answer this question - presenting: Pharaoh Pod and Father Bizz.

Keep the faith, my man. While Major League Baseball does suck, remember MLB is not all of baseball. Similarly, the NHL is not really the essence of hockey.
Last year while watching Hockey Night in Canada After Hours, I watched them interview perennial choker Joe Thornton at the HP Pavilion. There was a beer league game on the ice in the back-ground. Scott Oake referenced the game and asked JT if he was familiar with the beer league. Of course he was going to say no, but he did it so condescendingly I was annoyed. It was clear at that point that he just doesn't get it. He has been a pampered prima donna for so long he has forgotten the roots of the game and how important the fans are to the sport. He is like so many pro athletes of today.
Similarly, last year several of the stick companies stopped making wooden sticks and bemoaned the NHL players not buying and using wood anymore. This was another example of trying to placate the "traditionalists" in hockey, the ones who can't see the forest through the trees (maybe its because of the extra trees?). A couple of points: 1) How many NHL players buy their sticks? I am guessing around 0%. Any chance that they give them to NHL players for that free advertising? 2) Is it hurting their profit margin selling all those $100+ composites to youth players? I think not.
There are turd-burglars running the NHL, and a lot of the players are losing their perspective. I guess the point of this rant is do not let the professionals taint your view of sports. You can love hockey for so many other reasons.
Peace out - PP and FB
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