Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Player Profile - # 25 -Craig H.

Position: Wing / Defense
#: 25
Why?: No idea, but 25 is a "grinder" number and that is fitting.
Nickname: The Cancer, Money Counter, Maytag Repairman, Natural Goal Scorer, and The Howitzer.
How we know him: Went through Hockey 101 with most of the other plumbers on this team.
One Scout Said: A blue-collar type who loves being a role player. You have to love his edge. Whether it be in front of either net, or in the corners - in the immortal words of the late Reg Dunlop - he is going to "let him know you're there!"
Game reminds you of: Christopher Schubert, W / D - Ottawa Senators.
Best line on the ice: "Yeah, I'll see you in the hall, or the parking lot" - to one of those guys that thinks he is better off fighting a member of Steamer off of skates?!?! This is a derivative of his other off-ice standby - "Don't worry Joe, he's too pretty to fight!"
You may not have known: He played D-2 college basketball at UNC. He also dunked in a High School game against Montbello to the shock of the Warrior fans! Has been known to run through downtown Denver catching buses, is hell on appliances, and always puts a quality effort into his CD making.
Thanks for: Joining the Steamer team when you had other suitors. We have also enjoyed your participation in post-game "strategy sessions", golf tournaments, and of course the annual hosting of "beef jerky night!"
NHL predictions 07/08 - The Playoffs
I know, finally! I've had these done forever and just not posted them. So the question is does Detroit repeat?
Eastern Conference:

# 1 Anthem Boo-ers vs. # 8 Carolina - Speed wins this one and the desecration of the American anthem can continue.
# 2 Penguins vs. # 7 Rangers - the blue shirts get snipped like Craig's vas deferens.
# 3 Capitals vs. # 6 Bruins - homer pick, sure! But the B's rise to the occasion like morning wood!
# 4 Flyers vs. # 5 Senators - the Sen's window has closed quicker than Bill's free time on the weekend.
Second Round:
# 4 Flyers vs. # 2 Penguins - the battle of PA - they better re-open the jail at Veteran's stadium. The Pens get healthy and advance.
# 6 B's vs. # 1 Anthem Boo-ers - the call for diving gets taken out of the rule book before the series, and the 100 year celebration continues.
# 2 Penguins vs. the #1 Anthem- Booers - sacre bleu? Huh? The dream ends as the Pens are healthy and somewhat rested and move to the finals again.
Western Conference:
# 1 City Burners vs. # 8 AVS - Tony Granato and Ken Holland are the difference - as the AVS get pounded like Anthony's fist during the lunch break.
# 2 Sharks vs. # 7 Oil - the boys from Edmonton disappear faster than Reegan's clothes in the room.
# 3 - Flames vs. # 6 Pay-per viewers - inexperience is a more confusing than Eric's burger order at Milo's and the windy city is gone early. Go Cubbies!
# 4 Ducks vs. # 5 Stars - Giggy has done it, Turco is more nervous than a Monday morning substitute missing a "Lesson Plan."
Second Round:
# 4 Ducks vs. # 1 City-Burners - the Michelin Man gets pelted with Swedish Meatballs.
# 3 Flames vs. # 2 Sharks - should be quite a series, but Mike Keenan needs a bigger boat as he gets more confused than the Tripod on an easy line change.
# 2 Sharks vs. # 1 City Burners - Jumbo Joe takes the next step and the trendy pick moves on....
Stanley Cup Finals:

A cup for Jumbo Joe, Mini Joe Pavelski, and Jeremy Roenick is a beautiful thing!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Beer League Hockey

It's a well-known fact that there are only two seasons in Canada: summerand hockey. According to long-standing tradition, the former starts withthe hoisting of the Stanley Cup, as fans in an American city celebrate.The latter officially kicks off after Labour Day weekend.In fact, there are hundreds, possibly thousands, of managers across Canada who will spend the long weekend making personnel decisions in time for the September dawn of a new season. Granted, the majority of these managers are in charge of teams with names like 'Old Puckers', 'Rusty Blades', 'Just the Tips' and 'Nine-Inch Males,' but don't be fooled; beer-league hockey squads can be downright tricky to put together.
As with any successful organization, you need the right mix, and that means drafting from the following beer-league player categories:
Which one are you???
The Ringer
Some teams wait until the playoffs to unveil this option. Others go with it right from the opening face-off. Either way, without a ringer, your team is done. The challenge for managers is convincing a good player to suit up for a bad side. This can be accomplished a number of ways, including promises of goal-scoring glory and awe-inspired teammates.
Most effective, however, is let him play for free. It's simple math, really. Everyone else pays an extra $50 and everyone else gets a shot at the 'DD' Division title.
Most effective, however, is let him play for free. It's simple math, really. Everyone else pays an extra $50 and everyone else gets a shot at the 'DD' Division title.
The Young Guy
At first glance, he can easily be mistaken for a ringer, since the young guy still wears the shorts and socks of his junior or college team. But it's time for the next phase of life now, and that means an office job. The young guy stays in shape for the first half of the year. Sadly, an increasingly sedentary existence and late night partying catches up tohim by Christmas. 15 to 20 pounds later, he's just another player, huffing and puffing with the rest. Welcome aboard, kid.
The Old Guy
Forget the 50-and-over league; that's not for him...even though his gloves reach up to his armpits, and he still uses a wood stick. To be fair, the old guy can be an effective player, especially if he's a wily old guy -- a hook here and a chop there, because that's how they did it when professional athletes were real men. 'Eddie Shore -- now there was a hockey player! Lost an ear against the Maroons. Sewed it back on himself. Never missed a shift.'
The Tardy Goalie
Hey, thanks for showing up. Only five minutes gone in the first. Not like you play a crucial position or anything. Take your time, dickhead.
The Beginner
Required only for cheap laughs. On the one hand, you have to admire the beginner. It takes a lot of courage to buy all brand new equipment, and take up hockey in your 40's.
On the other hand, learn to take a pass,man. It's right on your stick, for Christ's sake. How does that knock you over? And now you're friggin offside! Not to mention the Beginner shows up at every game, no matter what time or what day. Sunday night playoff game at 11PM - no worries, Mr Beginner will be there.
On the other hand, learn to take a pass,man. It's right on your stick, for Christ's sake. How does that knock you over? And now you're friggin offside! Not to mention the Beginner shows up at every game, no matter what time or what day. Sunday night playoff game at 11PM - no worries, Mr Beginner will be there.
The Complete Psycho
Also good for a few giggles . . . from afar. Most likely a cop or fireman. The complete psycho is capable of anything: running the goalie, challenging an entire bench, a tomahawk chop -- all in the repertoire.
Do not feed the complete psycho. He doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt. And,look to him to carry on his act in the bar after the game.
Do not feed the complete psycho. He doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt. And,look to him to carry on his act in the bar after the game.
The Naked Guy
Bane of the dressing room. Most players have the courtesy to stretch their hamstrings while sporting, at the very least, a bit of underwear. Not the naked guy. He'll carry on full conversations, and you had better maintain eye contact like your life depended on it....or come face to face with the swinging sausage.
The Guy with the New Girlfriend
An excellent way to lower everyone else's fees is to load up on a few of these. The guy with the new girlfriend will show up to three games, tops, so his payment will contribute to everyone else's and it's not like you'll lose ice time by putting him on the roster. That said, beware that the guy with the new girlfriend might very well turn into the guy with the new wife...at which point he'll never miss another game.
The Organizer
This guy is absolutely brutal but since nobody else could be bothered to do all the paperwork and collect the money he gets to play. Is frustrating to play with because they can barely skate let alone take a pass but nobody gets mad at him cuz he's a really nice guy. Is often heard in the dressing room saying 'Sorry guys, that one was my fault'and if he's lucky somebody will chip in something like 'No worries Donny, it's a team effort.'
What everybody is really thinking is 'Hey Donny, my grandmother is a better player than you and yes you are right, that was your fault.' If you are lucky the Organizer is usually smart enough to take himself off the ice in critical situations.
The Minor Hockey Allstar
Looks promising at a glance as they fool you with reasonably good skills but after you get zero passes you'll get the picture. This guy topped out at 'AA' Midget and can be spotted by the huge blinders attached to his helmet. Play is characterized by energetic rushes down the wing, (no passing), then into the corner (still no pass), behind the net (hey dickhead I've been open for the past 5 minutes), then into the next corner (everybody has gone back to the bench to watch) followed by a blind give away pass to the high slot / break out pass for the other team. Cut this guy.
The Johnny Try Hard
Great to have on your team but they suck to play against because they have somehow managed to keep themselves in ridiculously good shape. They were probably the star on their high school hockey team and won athlete of the year because they played hockey, volleyball and track all in the same year. Guaranteed they have a membership at the 'Running Room'. Play is characterized by constant hustle which if caught off guard can embarrass the more talented yet fatter player.
The Stanley Cup Champion
This player will raise their hands and cheer when they score. If this is an opposing player you must nip this behaviour in the bud by catching him off guard with a sickening open ice hit that causes him to blow snot bubbles. If this player is on your team quickly chastise him in front of the other team to let them know that this is not how the rest of your team rolls. Remind him how much of a loser he is by retrieving the puck from the net the next time he scores and presenting it to him in front of the other team.
The Tough Guy
This guy maxed out at the house-league level, has never been in a fight and is characterized by antagonizing behaviour on the ice. In extreme cases he will 'cheap shot' another player. The fact that your beer league does not allow fighting has given this guy a false sense of courage. What this guy does not realize is that this will not prevent someone from knocking his teeth out if he cheap shots the wrong guy.There is a number of fun ways to handle this player which all end with him lying on the ice bleeding, looking for his teeth and crying.
The Wrong Guy
Not to be confused with 'The Complete Psycho'. This guy shows up, doesn't say much and pretty much flies under the radar screen. The kid that gave him the cheap shot will eventually look his name up on Hockey DB after his facial surgery and realize he had 355 pims in the East Coast League 3 years ago.
The Gary Roberts
Can be described as being way too intense. This guy is one of your better players but is unable to adjust to the lower level of play. At the best of times he will try to coach players on the fly and at the worst of times he will snap and call his entire team a bunch of house-leaguers.
He believes the game should be played a certain way and despises 'pond hockey' style play with no back checking or positional assignments. Most likely is suffering from a complex of 'unfinished business' from his previous hockey career and is looking to capture some shred of glory via the rec-league championship. This guy is probably better off playing with his own kind in a senior-A league.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Northwest Division (predicted order of finish):
1) Calgary Flames
3) Colorado Avalanche

Buzz: They got tougher in the offseason and have legitimate Norris (Phaneuf), Vezina (Kipprusoff), and Hart (Iginla) candidates . That has to help your chances - even with Mike Keenan.
Significant Roster move(s): lost Huselius, Nolan and Tanguay. Added Bertuzzi, Bourque, and Cammalleri.
Outlook: all the elements appear to be there, but like a golf cart driven by Chub and E5 the road will come to an abrupt end.
2) Edmonton Oilers
Buzz: Huh? So much speed and young talent they remind you of a strip bar in the rust belt.
Significant Roster moves: lost Pitkanen, Stoll and Torres. Added Brule, Cole and Visnovsky.
Outlook: This team can still play more scared than that guy on the ice looking up at "the Ditka teabag" - but I am gambling on a playoff spot.
Outlook: This team can still play more scared than that guy on the ice looking up at "the Ditka teabag" - but I am gambling on a playoff spot.
3) Colorado Avalanche
Buzz: Huh? Picked by many for 14th in the Division, we say # 8 seed. They have 3 lines that can score, the defense is decent, and Budaj will be fine if the D plays OK.
Significant roster moves: Rid themselves of Joe Ted, messed up by losing Brunette, and lost Sauer and Finger. Added a crap-festival from Toronto.
Outlook: they will likely score like Daniel in a casino bathroom stall – fast and furious but no hope for long term payoff.
4) Minnesota Wild
Buzz: Defending Division champs, but Jacque Lemaire's style is a snoozer. The team from the alleged "State of Hockey" should have some signing-Gaborik and scoring-goals issues.
Significant Roster moves: Lost Demitra, Nolan, Rolston. Added Brunette, Bergeron, and Zidlicky.
Outlook?: kind of like watching Bill and Joe skate, it drags on and does not excite you. Here's hoping they miss the playoffs.
Buzz: Defending Division champs, but Jacque Lemaire's style is a snoozer. The team from the alleged "State of Hockey" should have some signing-Gaborik and scoring-goals issues.
Significant Roster moves: Lost Demitra, Nolan, Rolston. Added Brunette, Bergeron, and Zidlicky.
Outlook?: kind of like watching Bill and Joe skate, it drags on and does not excite you. Here's hoping they miss the playoffs.
5) Vancouver Canucks
Buzz: Sure they have the best goalie, but who is going to score goals?
Significant roster moves: lost Naslund and Morrison. Added Bernier, Demitra, and Wellwood.
Outlook: Their offseason roster moves look more confused than Anthony when he "accidentally" stumbles upon one of those "curious" websites!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Top 10 lists?

Lumbering Left Wings?

Socializing with booze
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pacific Division (predicted order of finish):

1) San Jose Sharks
Buzz: They are the "hot choice" for the cup almost every year. New coach, the D-Man they needed and a lot of young talent.
Buzz: They are the "hot choice" for the cup almost every year. New coach, the D-Man they needed and a lot of young talent.
Significant Roster move(s): lost Campbell, Carle, Ozozlinsh, Rivet, and of course - fantasy legend - Patrick Rissmiller. Added Blake, Boyle and Lukowich.
Outlook: This team has shown more unfulfilled potential than Eric when he was single. But like the engaged youngster, next Spring could be special!
Outlook: This team has shown more unfulfilled potential than Eric when he was single. But like the engaged youngster, next Spring could be special!
2) Dallas Stars
Buzz: Sean Avery, woo-hoo. I hate this team.
Significant Roster moves: lost spare parts and added Brunnstrom and Avery.
Buzz: Sean Avery, woo-hoo. I hate this team.
Significant Roster moves: lost spare parts and added Brunnstrom and Avery.
Outlook: Not that old, but the seem to have more gray than Bizz's beard. They'll make the playoffs but with the Ribiero soccer-dives and the Turco choke-cherry-turnover - they'll be on the golf course soon enough.
3) Anaheim Ducks
Buzz: They still have a great defense and the Michelin man in goal, but can they score enough goals?
Significant roster moves: Lost Schneider, Weight, Bertuzzi and Bergeron. Added Brendan Morrison.
Outlook: This team has more distractions than the guy sitting next to Allie in the locker room, but they should make the post season.
4) The Phoenix Coyotes
Buzz: They have the great Gretzky! Actually another team with a bright future.
Significant Roster moves: Lost Ballard, Boynton, and Vrbata - added Olli Jokinen and some grit.
Outlook?: Their playoff chances are similar to the odds of Shane sobering up and getting married. Maybe in the future, but not this year!
5) Los Angeles Kings
Buzz: Next year's draft is a deep one! But really, they have good young talent and will have the best defensive corps in the league in 5 years.
Significant roster moves: lost Blake, Cammaleri, and Visnovsky - added Greene and Stoll.
Outlook: There is a better chance of the Big Bear scorekeepers getting a whole game right than the Kings making the post-season (9 shots?).
Significant roster moves: lost Blake, Cammaleri, and Visnovsky - added Greene and Stoll.
Outlook: There is a better chance of the Big Bear scorekeepers getting a whole game right than the Kings making the post-season (9 shots?).
Things that amuse me - for all the teachers....
We have a lot of connections to the world of education on STEAMER, so I just had to put this one on here...

Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
NHL predictions 07-08 - Central
Central Division (predicted order of finish):
1) Detroit's Hated Red Wings

Buzz: The defending champs went ahead and added Ty Conklin and Marian Hossa from Pittsburgh. Ouch!
Significant Roster move(s): see above.
Outlook: Kind of like a CU tailgate, it will go well for a long time, but I see someone ending up with a bloody lip.
2) Chicago Blackhawks
Buzz: New ownership, to includes televised games, two great young players, and two nice free-agent additions. Playoffs anyone?
Significant Roster moves: lost Lang, kept the Bulin wall, and then aded Brian Campbell and Cristobal Huet.
Outlook: Sort of like picking up girls and then hot-tubbing with Frank and Glen - it will probably be rewarding at first, but the night may come to a quick, and disappointing, end.
Outlook: Sort of like picking up girls and then hot-tubbing with Frank and Glen - it will probably be rewarding at first, but the night may come to a quick, and disappointing, end.
3) St. Louis Blues
Buzz: Nowhere to go but up, I suppose. Their franchise D-Man of the future was injured playing in a gold tournament. I can't imagine how that could happen?
Significant roster moves: None, waiting for the prospects to develop.
Outlook: kind of like Mike’s locker room stall - toe socks, white helmet, yellow gloves, wooden stick - you look at the whole production and still scratch your head.
4) Nashville Predators
Buzz: They have a great coach, but shaky ownership and diminishing funds means that talent is leaving.
Significant roster moves: lost Zilicky and Radulov.
Outlook: They have actually overachieved more than Pete and Joe did in marriage, but like Pete’s ability to be fun, and Joe’s waist-line, things are on the downward spiral.
5) Columbus Blue Jackets
Buzz: They have to make the playoffs eventually - don't they?
Significant roster moves: They were able to rob the AVS of a 1st round pick, but I digress. Added a bunch of guys you have barley heard of and dumped some soft Euros - Don Cherry would be proud.
Outlook: There is a better chance of meeting Adam for beers in the summer than them making the playoffs.
Outlook: There is a better chance of meeting Adam for beers in the summer than them making the playoffs.
NHL 08-09 goal of the year - candidate # 1

Monday, October 13, 2008
Northeast Division (predicted order of finish):
1) Montreal's Kissing Canadiens
Buzz: They are celebrating their 100th year - whoopy-dee-frickin'-doo. Funny how championships don't come as frequently when you can't horde all the provincial talent in a 6-team league, huh?
3) Boston Bruins
Buzz: Made the playoffs last year and took the # 1 seeded Habs to 7 games. They look to be on the rise.

Buzz: They are celebrating their 100th year - whoopy-dee-frickin'-doo. Funny how championships don't come as frequently when you can't horde all the provincial talent in a 6-team league, huh?
They do have a lot of young speed and talent though. The power-play can't remain that high, can they?
Significant Roster move(s): lost Streit, Ryder and Smolinski, added Laraque and Tanguay (get ready for some drop passes)!
Outlook: Kind of like Chippendales' game each week - you expect it to go well, but you never know.
Outlook: Kind of like Chippendales' game each week - you expect it to go well, but you never know.
2) Ottawa Senators
Buzz: In the cup finals two years ago, started last season great than "defecated the bed." They have rid themselves of most of the prima donnas though, so look for a good year. Maybe the best 1st line in hockey, is that enough?
Buzz: In the cup finals two years ago, started last season great than "defecated the bed." They have rid themselves of most of the prima donnas though, so look for a good year. Maybe the best 1st line in hockey, is that enough?
Significant Roster moves: lost Redden, Emery, Stillman, and Commodore - added Ruutu Jason Smith and Auld. Some addition by subtraction?
Outlook: Kind of like Anthony's game with the ladies - it is one line and a lot of hope. They have some game though, so they'll be in the post-season.
3) Boston Bruins
Buzz: Made the playoffs last year and took the # 1 seeded Habs to 7 games. They look to be on the rise.
Significant roster moves: really few, added Ryder and Wheeler.
Outlook: they are like the Tripod going over the boards: it's slow, scary, and full of its share of tumbles, but they will eventually get there!
Outlook: they are like the Tripod going over the boards: it's slow, scary, and full of its share of tumbles, but they will eventually get there!
4) Buffalo Sabres
Buzz: After years of being cheap and letting talent get away (Briere, Drury, and Campbell) they look good on paper. But do they have the health and toughness to make it to the playoffs out of this division?
Buzz: After years of being cheap and letting talent get away (Briere, Drury, and Campbell) they look good on paper. But do they have the health and toughness to make it to the playoffs out of this division?
Significant roster moves: Lost Bernier and Kalinin, added Rivet and signed miller to a long-term deal.
Outlook: They are like Sgt. Schultz claiming he is a C-level player and that he could win 9 out of 10 sports - it sounds good, but would you bet a paycheck on it?
5) Toronto Maple Leafs
Buzz: I assume Cliff Fletcher has a buzz after some of those off-season moves.
Significant roster moves: Significant? I guess losing Mats Sundin.
Outlook: this roster looks worse than Harlan Pepper's collection of hockey hats - don't bother putting the golf clubs in storage.
Punks of the NHL / The AVS savior - part 1
Yes, this guy is the answer! Andrew Brunette for $2.5 million, or this guy for $2.2 (source: NHLPA site)? I always thought he was a punk, and pulling on an AVS won't change that. While he at least has "the seeds" to fight, his cheap shot elbow to the head on Scott Niedermayer in the playoffs was one of the all-time bush league moves.
The picture shows him pouting and here is one of his proudest moments. Notice that he precipitates this by, what else, throwing a cheap elbow at Alexi Kovalev. As Pete pointed out, this really shows the insane skill of Kovalev.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
NHL predictions 07/08
Atlantic Division (predicted order of finish):

1) Pittsburgh Penguins
Buzz: Crosby, Malkin, and a bunch of other good players. They went to the Stanley Cup finals last season and are a year wiser.
Significant Roster move(s): lost Hossa and Malone, added Satan (the Czech winger, not the actual personification of Lucifer) and Fedetenko.
Outlook: Tantalizing and fun to watch, they have more eye-catching young talent than The Professor's 5th hour class. Hey!
2) Philadelphia Flyers
Buzz: Had a good season, a bad one, and then good again. They have the skill to go a long way.
Significant Roster moves: several that make you go hmmmm.
Outlook: Sure, they will make the playoffs, but really, they are more unstable than Chub after 4 Jager shots.
3) New York Rangers
Buzz: They brought in some real streaky talent and parted ways with a lot of steady, productive players.
Significant roster moves: see above.
Outlook: their playoff prospects are like Frank in Vegas at my bachelor party - they will drop a ton of coin and will not be there long.
4) New Jersey Devils
Buzz: Brodeur will break Roy's career record for victories this year while playing some boring hockey.
Significant roster moves: They brought Rolston and Holik back but they are older than several guys on the STEAMER.
Outlook: This is the year they finally miss the playoffs. Their window has shrunk more than your junk in your cup.
5) New York Islanders
Buzz: The owner is named Wang and his team is similar to Caddyshack 2.
Significant roster moves: They lost 3 of their 5 forwards who could occasionally score, so, of course, they added a defenseman.
Outlook: good luck, there is a better chance of finding a sober Ketchum brother at an AVS game then the Isles playing in mid-April.
Summer 2008 Stats

HP led in goals with 16 (Prof and Chip 11, T-Pod 9, E5 and Ditka - 7), and was second in helpers with 14 - E5 led with 16, Ditka 13, Prof 8, Dieter, Chip, and TP with 6).
Chippendales led with 2 hat trick and 2 game winners, E5 had 2 game-tying lamp-lighters.
HP also led the "Star of the Game" points with 24. Chub had 21, Chip with 18, Ditka 17 and E5 13.
NHL predictions 07/08
Southeast Conference (predicted order of finish):

1) Washington Capitals
Buzz: loaded with talent and they have #8 Alex Ovechkin. The won the Division last year.
Significant Roster move(s): lost Huet and Kolzig, then added former AVS goalie Jose ThreeOrFour.
Outlook: This should be Reegan's favorite team as they are "mesmerizing." Them making the playoffs is as certain as Anthony missing the net with a slap shot.
2) Carolina Hurricanes
Buzz: Just won the Cup three years ago and have good talent.
Significant Roster moves: added Pitkanen, lost Cole.
Outlook: They will sneak into the playoffs, but they are like a slap shot from Howitzer - looks real good at the beginning and then you are underwhelmed.
3) Tampa Bay Lightning
Buzz: WTF? Who are these guys? They revamped their roster in the off-season like few teams in NHL history.
Significant roster moves: see NHL.com.
Outlook: they have so many changes their team has more mismatched parts than Kris Kringle's hockey bag.
4) Florida Panthers
Buzz: they followed up one of the worst trades in NHL history (Luongo to Vancouver) with another that may backfire as well.
Significant roster moves: Jokinen out, Ballard and Boynton in.
Outlook: Not good - their roster moves look more confused than JQ trying to figure out which wing he is playing.
5) Atlanta Thrashers
Buzz: They prove that if you have pictures of the owner and a donkey, you can keep your job as GM.
Significant roster moves: They still haven't replaced Marc Savard with a center for Kovalchuk's line - apparently looking for the first pick in the 2009 draft.
Outlook: looks like the draft lottery. They have less coverage than an Ingham after a shower.

1) Washington Capitals
Buzz: loaded with talent and they have #8 Alex Ovechkin. The won the Division last year.
Significant Roster move(s): lost Huet and Kolzig, then added former AVS goalie Jose ThreeOrFour.
Outlook: This should be Reegan's favorite team as they are "mesmerizing." Them making the playoffs is as certain as Anthony missing the net with a slap shot.
2) Carolina Hurricanes
Buzz: Just won the Cup three years ago and have good talent.
Significant Roster moves: added Pitkanen, lost Cole.
Outlook: They will sneak into the playoffs, but they are like a slap shot from Howitzer - looks real good at the beginning and then you are underwhelmed.
3) Tampa Bay Lightning
Buzz: WTF? Who are these guys? They revamped their roster in the off-season like few teams in NHL history.
Significant roster moves: see NHL.com.
Outlook: they have so many changes their team has more mismatched parts than Kris Kringle's hockey bag.
4) Florida Panthers
Buzz: they followed up one of the worst trades in NHL history (Luongo to Vancouver) with another that may backfire as well.
Significant roster moves: Jokinen out, Ballard and Boynton in.
Outlook: Not good - their roster moves look more confused than JQ trying to figure out which wing he is playing.
5) Atlanta Thrashers
Buzz: They prove that if you have pictures of the owner and a donkey, you can keep your job as GM.
Significant roster moves: They still haven't replaced Marc Savard with a center for Kovalchuk's line - apparently looking for the first pick in the 2009 draft.
Outlook: looks like the draft lottery. They have less coverage than an Ingham after a shower.
...and the golf winners....
Proudly bringing the thunder on the course was these 5 stars of the game. With a reliever coming in half-way through, this stallion-fest posted a - 5 score to win the Lord Steamer Cup. 
From left to right: Jacque, Joe, Adam, Glen, and Butch get their names on the most famous trophy you have never even seen! Boo-yeah!

From left to right: Jacque, Joe, Adam, Glen, and Butch get their names on the most famous trophy you have never even seen! Boo-yeah!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The annual Steamer Golf Tournament...
...is this Saturday, September 13th. Teams will battle for the infamous Lord Steamer Cup - and these sights are inevitable:

Fun with golf carts!
...and speaking of the Mickelson reaction....here are some people who shall remain nameless until the statute of limitations tolls on golf cart damage.
Team photo - August 2008

Standing (left to right): Ditka, Toe Socks, Bada Bing, The Mesmerizer, Chowdah Storm, Sgt. Schultz, The Tripod, and Slim Shady.
Kneeling (l to r): Harlan Pepper, The Conductor, Kris Kringle, The Howitzer, Chub Rock, Chippendales, the young jedi, and The Professor.
Not pictured: Bullitt, Dieter, and Bizz.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
6th Annual Steamer Golf Classic / Marc York Memorial Golf Tournament
Reminder that this year's 6th annual Steamer Golf Classic is combined with the Marc York Memorial Golf Tournament. It will be Saturday September 13th at 1 PM at the Broadlands. The picture is from last year's tournament and that is Marc in the white shirt (with JQ and Fred on the right).
Come on out and try to get your name on the Lord Steamer Trophy (below)! Your chances are better since the the defending champs below will not be in attendance to defend!
Please RSVP via The Evite!
Things that amuse me - part 4
Called the "Drunken Friend Alarm Clock" - this looks like a quality way to wake up a sleeping "friend."
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My Top 10 favorite goals - # 5

Friday, August 8, 2008
Fu Manchu and beef jerky Sunday!
Yes, that annual right of passage occurred last Sunday.
Q: Who stepped up to the challenge?
A: Several people who understand how the Fu Man or a porn 'stache can make the world a safer and better place!
Q: Who else was there?
A: A bunch of really smart people!
Q: Where?
A: At Craig's "rockin" (if you know what I mean) van!

Q: Who else was there?

Wing love?

Locker room line of July

JW: Wow, you are early?
JQ: Well yes, we are finally playing in a league I can be proud of, that suits my skills!
Two months and counting....

....until college and pro hockey takes to the ice again. Here is a little something to tide you over until then!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Century mark?
Things that amuse me - part 3

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