Position: Wing / Defense
#: 25
Why?: No idea, but 25 is a "grinder" number and that is fitting.
Nickname: The Cancer, Money Counter, Maytag Repairman, Natural Goal Scorer, and The Howitzer.
How we know him: Went through Hockey 101 with most of the other plumbers on this team.
One Scout Said: A blue-collar type who loves being a role player. You have to love his edge. Whether it be in front of either net, or in the corners - in the immortal words of the late Reg Dunlop - he is going to "let him know you're there!"
Game reminds you of: Christopher Schubert, W / D - Ottawa Senators.
Best line on the ice: "Yeah, I'll see you in the hall, or the parking lot" - to one of those guys that thinks he is better off fighting a member of Steamer off of skates?!?! This is a derivative of his other off-ice standby - "Don't worry Joe, he's too pretty to fight!"
You may not have known: He played D-2 college basketball at UNC. He also dunked in a High School game against Montbello to the shock of the Warrior fans! Has been known to run through downtown Denver catching buses, is hell on appliances, and always puts a quality effort into his CD making.
Thanks for: Joining the Steamer team when you had other suitors. We have also enjoyed your participation in post-game "strategy sessions", golf tournaments, and of course the annual hosting of "beef jerky night!"
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