Position: Defense / Wing
#: 23
Why?: He reminds you of Milan Hejduk and Michael Jordan. Seriously, I have no idea why. Maybe to irritate Craig.
Nickname: The Anomaly; Toast; Mighty; Dances with the blue line; Sgt. Schultz.
How we know him: Met Joe W. in 8th grade at Confirmation classes through another friend. Played in a band with Chub and Bizz
One Scout Said: He's a C-level player! Sometimes he is very smart, other times his teammates have no idea what he is doing. Actually, a very willing player who will play anywhere he is asked. Good versatility and an occasional mean streak. Will battle in front of the net - at both ends - and can score some "blue collar" goals.
Game reminds you of: Gretzky, Keith Gretzky. Ian Laperriere (?) - RW - Colorado Avalanche.
Best line on the ice: "I don't think I was offsides."
You may not have known: While in High School Joe "dated" the daughter of Broncos Coach Dan Reeves. Some speculate that their trysts were the inspiration for the Bronco's 2-minute red zone offense in the late 80's - Hey! But really, Joe is an accomplished guitar player and can beat Joe White in 9 out of 10 sports!
Thanks for: Being our whipping boy and not getting mad when I yell at you; nicknaming me "The Tripod" (not really); coming out and getting beers with us; and your unselfish willingness to play a different spot on the ice every week.
Yeah whatever. Don't you wear those slinky blue bikini briefs in the locker room? - Gene Wilder
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